
I was hoarding some updates during the judging period of the game jam! 


  • Automatically populate all cards in hand when clicking on deck
  • Timing between moves is a teeny bit slower so you can tell what's happening

Bug Fixes

  • Pause idle mode when looking at help
  • Hard reset works without browser refresh
  • Shuffle deck after pile exhausted (oops!)
  • Show 'miss' when attack misses
  • Offense damage multipliers not pulling from the right team
  • Ensure all phases of a match run synchronously


  • Tweaked some card descriptions for clarity
  • Tweaked some dialogue punctuation
  • Changed wording of 'combat' to 'match'


  • Changed indicator to have an arrow instead of an X
  • Allow toggling of scanlines, for easier readability
  • Grow tooltips instead of shrinking text (which can be difficult to read)


  • Lots of code cleanup and refactoring
  • Updated libraries

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